by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Bellisario, K. & Donovan, L. (2012). Voices from the field: Teachers’ views on the relevance of arts integration. Cambridge, MA: Lesley University.Abstract:This two-year study undertaken by researchers at Lesley University (LU), funded by the Ford...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Winsler, A., Ducenne, L., & Koury, A. (2011). Singing one’s way to self-regulation: The role of early music and movement curricula and private speech. Early Education and Development, 22(2), 274-304.Abstract:Investigators studied the effects of music...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Stevenson, L. M. (2011). Creating destiny: Youth, arts and social change. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Stanford University, Stanford, CA.Abstract:This ethnographic study examines how a company of high-school-aged artists in a community arts program, makes...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Imms, W., Jeanneret, N., & Stevens-Ballenger, J. (2011). Partnerships between schools and the professional arts sector: Evaluation of impact on student outcomes. Southbank, Victoria: Arts Victoria.Abstract:This study examines how arts partnerships impact student...
by JoAnne Wilkins | Apr 25, 2018
Goldstein, T. R. (2011). Correlations among social-cognitive skills in adolescents involved in acting or arts classes. Mind, brain, and education, 5(2), 97-103.Abstract:This quasi-experimental study measured correlations between the development of empathy, theory of...